Legal agreements


Registered office: C/ VELÁZQUEZ Nº 124, 28006 MADRID
Tax Identification Code / Number: B-28591311
Telephone: 91 561 17 12
Domain name:
Entered in the Commercial Register for Madrid in volume 3.647, folio 21, 8th section, sheet no. M-61.385.


DE LORENZO ABOGADOS, S.L.P., (hereinafter “DE LORENZO ABOGADOS”) as controller of the website, makes this document available to users in order to comply with the obligations laid down in Law 34/2002 of 11 July on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSIS-EC), and to inform all users of the website of the conditions of use of the website.

All persons who access this website assume the status of user, undertaking to observe and strictly comply with the provisions placed here and all other applicable legal provisions.

DE LORENZO ABOGADOS, reserves the right to alter any type of information which appears in the website without any obligation to give any prior notice or bring such obligations to the attention of users, publication in the website being considered sufficient. These alterations give rise to new versions of the current Legal Notice, with indication being given in cases of updates of the date from which the new version will be in force.


DE LORENZO ABOGADOS, se exime de cualquier tipo de responsabilidad derivada de la información publicada en su sitio web, siempre que esta información haya sido manipulada o introducida por un tercero ajeno al mismo.

El presente sitio web puede utilizar cookies (pequeños archivos de información que el servidor envía al ordenador de quien accede a la página) para llevar a cabo determinadas funciones que son consideradas imprescindibles para el correcto funcionamiento y visualización del sitio. Las cookies utilizadas en el sitio web tienen, en todo caso, carácter temporal con la única finalidad de hacer más eficaz su transmisión ulterior, así mismo se establecerán cookies que permitirán que sus datos sean recordados evitando con ello que sea necesaria su nueva introducción en posteriores visitas a nuestra web.

DE LORENZO ABOGADOS, no se hace responsable de la información y contenidos almacenados, a título enunciativo pero no limitativo, en foros, chat´s, generadores de blogs, comentarios, redes sociales o cualesquier otro medio que permita a terceros publicar contenidos de forma independiente en la página web de DE LORENZO ABOGADOS. No obstante y en cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el art. 11 y 16 de la LSSI-CE, DE LORENZO ABOGADOS, pone a disposición de todos los usuarios, autoridades y fuerzas de seguridad, colaborando de forma activa en la retirada o en su caso bloqueo de todos aquellos contenidos que pudieran afectar o contravenir la legislación nacional, o internacional, derechos de terceros o la moral y el orden público. En caso de considerar cualquier usuario que existe en el sitio web algún contenido que pudiera ser susceptible de esta clasificación, se ruega lo notifique de forma inmediata al administrador del sitio web a través de los medios indicados.

DE LORENZO ABOGADOS, disclaims any type of liability deriving from the information published in its website if this information has been manipulated or introduced by a third party.

This website may use cookies (small information files which the server sends to the computer of anyone accessing the site) in order to carry out certain functions which are considered indispensable for the correct functioning and visualisation of the site. The cookies used in the website are of a temporary nature and have the sole purpose of making their subsequent transmission more effective, and cookies will also be used which allow data to be recorded making it unnecessary for it to be re-introduced on subsequent visits to the website.

DE LORENZO ABOGADOS, is not responsible for information or content stored anywhere including the following: in forums, chats, blogs, comments, social networks or any other media which allow third parties to publish content independently in the website of DE LORENZO ABOGADOS. Notwithstanding this and pursuant to the provisions of articles 11 and 16 of the LSISSI-EC DE LORENZO ABOGADOS is at the disposal of all users, public authorities and security forces and will actively co-operate in the withdrawal or blocking of any content which may affect or contravene national or international laws, third party rights or morality or public policy. In the event of any user considering there is any content in the website which might be classified in this way they are asked to contact the administrator of the site immediately by way of the means indicated.

This website has been reviewed and tested to ensure it functions correctly. It may in principle be guaranteed to function correctly 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Notwithstanding this DE LORENZO ABOGADOS does not discount the possibility of there being programming errors or situations of force majeure, natural disasters, strikes or similar circumstances occurring which make access to the website impossible.


Unless provision is made to the contrary in the Special Conditions of one of the sections the use of this website is free of charge except as regards the cost of connection by way of the telecommunications network supplied by the access provider hired by the user. The user is reminded that the content of this website is aimed exclusively at those working in the heath sector in those sections which may be determined.

Use of the content and access to the website shall be the user's sole and exclusive responsibility, the user also being liable for and keeping DE LORENZO ABOGADOS and its partners harmless from any type of claim deriving from the obtaining of information from this website by unauthorised users.

The user also undertakes not to do anything which might harm the image, the interests or the rights of DE LORENZO ABOGADOS or prevent the normal use of this website in any way. This obligation extends to any of the partners referred to above.

DE LORENZO ABOGADOS does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements which might cause damage or alterations to the computer system, the electronic documents or the files of the user of this website. DE LORENZO ABOGADOS is thus not liable for any damage or loss which such elements might cause to the user or to third parties.

The information which appears in the website whether in the form of advice, news, questions and answers ... is information provided as a guide on a general basis, which seeks to be as complete, independent and professional as possible without making evaluations and may not in any event be considered a personal consultation.


The user and in general any natural or legal person wishing to create a hyperlink or linking device from their website to this website must obtain the prior authorisation of DE LORENZO ABOGADOS

DE LORENZO ABOGADOS reserves the right in any event to prohibit or disable any hyperlink to this website at any time.

DE LORENZO ABOGADOS makes available to the user links which allow the user to access websites or internet portals belonging to or managed by third parties, which does not in any event signify the existence of relations between DE LORENZO ABOGADOS and the owner of the linked website. DE LORENZO ABOGADOS does not supervise or control in any way the content and services of the sites linked or which link to this website and is thus not liable in any way for the same or for any damage which may be caused as a result of the illegality, obsolescence, error or non-usefulness of the content and / or services of the linked sites.


DE LORENZO ABOGADOS is deeply committed to compliance with Spanish regulations on protection of personal data, and guarantees full compliance with the obligations imposed on it and implementation of the security measures provided for in article 9 of Law 15/1999 on Protection of Personal Data (FLPPD) and in the regulations which develop the FLPPD.

DE LORENZO ABOGADOS makes available to users its Privacy Policy and informs users of the following:

  • Details of the Data Processor.
  • Data processed.
  • File in which it is stored.
  • Purpose of the processing.
  • Whether or not it is compulsory to provide it, and the consequences of not providing it.
  • The rights of all users and the procedure for exercising them.


The website, including its programming, publishing, compilation and other elements necessary for it to function, the designs, logos, text and / or graphics are the property of DE LORENZO ABOGADOS or it has a licence or express authorisation from the author. All content of the website is duly protected by the regulations on intellectual property and is entered in the appropriate public registers.

Total or partial reproduction, use including use for profit, distribution and marketing, regardless of their purpose, require the prior written authorisation of DE LORENZO ABOGADOS. Any use not previously authorised by DE LORENZO ABOGADOS shall be considered serious breach of the author's intellectual property rights.

Any designs, logos, text and / or graphics of third parties which appear in the website belong to their respective owners who are responsible for any disputes which may arise in respect of the same. DE LORENZO ABOGADOS has express prior authorisation from them in any event.

DE LORENZO ABOGADOS acknowledges their owners' intellectual property rights, the mere mention or appearance of the same in the website not signifying the existence of any rights or liabilities of DE LORENZO ABOGADOS in relation to the same or any support, sponsorship or recommendation on its part.

Any type of observation on possible breach of intellectual property rights and on any of the content of the website may be made by way of the following email address


Spanish law shall be applicable to the resolution of all disputes or questions concerning this website or the activities carried on in it, to which the parties make express submission, the courts and tribunals of Madrid have jurisdiction to settle any disputes deriving from or relating to its use.

DE LORENZO ABOGADOS is firmly committed to university training in the areas in which it specialises. Over the years the firm has organised numerous postgraduate courses (Masters and Higher Courses), events, conferences and meetings of this nature in association with prestigious academic institutions.

We take the view that the work of our firm must be imbued with a spirit of co-operation which makes it possible for us to grow together. Training, a basic aspect of the firm's policy, is promoted in all departments, and it is vital that this process begin at the very heart of the department where the lawyer works. And, given that clients demand of us a multi-disciplinary approach, integrated learning across the different departments is also encouraged.

We seek in this way to consolidate the careers of the lawyers at the firm and also offer them opportunities of promotion.